“I personally can trace much of my inspiration, many of my ideas, and many of my insights to simply being with wild apple trees…I place their highest value in the pricelessness of companionship. In this sense wild apple trees live in other economies, ones that prioritize beauty, uniqueness, nutrition, tastes — just to name a few things that are often in direct conflict with a growing financial economy.”
—Andy Brennan, from Uncultivated: Wild Apple Trees, Real Cider and the Complicated Art of Making a Living
“The best wine book I read this year was not about wine. It was about cider, though not entirely. It was really about trees and places, agriculture and culture, and the tension between nature and industry . . . Uncultivated is thoughtful, pessimistic and hopeful at the same time. Anybody who loves food, loves wine and ponders where they come from should read this book."
Eric Asimov, New York Times (read full article here)
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